Who do Voices of the Top End represent?

Who do Voices of the Top End represent?


VoTE does not seek to directly represent anyone, but is open to anyone. We are not an interest group, except that we exist to promote democratic participation and our key values. 

Report #1 is not able to provide a comprehensive representation of all of Darwin’s diverse community members. We collected some demographic data from our participants, which are set out in the report.

KTC’s have been open and promoted to invite anyone who is interested, however we largely relied on people approaching us to host a KTC. We have seen that most KTC hosts were people who have already participated, and want to bring in their neighbours, friends, family or contacts. In future, we will more proactively seek to include a broader range of community members from diverse backgrounds.

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  • Louise Harrison
    published this page in FAQ 2024-03-15 16:51:35 +0930