Resources for doing democracy differently

Change Politics
Change Politics is a public awareness and advocacy campaign all about Citizens’ Assemblies. We’re non-partisan, and policy agnostic. Essentially what we care (and advocate about) is a better way to make decisions. 

The Community Independents Project was borne out of a commitment to putting everyday people at the centre of Australian politics. It is a collaboration to enable and support communities and Community Independents to build participatory democracy and conduct successful election campaigns.

Our Democracy
We bring together people, organisations, and experts from across the country to work towards a shared vision – a political system where our elected representatives reflect the values and concerns of our communities, and decision making is balanced and fair, with people and the planet at its heart.

Victorian Womens Trust
Kitchen Table Conversations (KTC) is a model of civic engagement that revolves around one simple idea: that engaging people in the kind of open and honest dialogue that women have had around kitchen tables for centuries has the power to create real change.

New Democracy
When given the authority, time, and information, everyday people take the tough questions, side-step party lines, and deliver sensible answers.

Australian Democracy Network
We are creating an Australia where civil society is robust and vibrant; public debate is informed, fair and diverse; citizens are engaged, government is clean, open and accountable and the wellbeing of people and the planet comes first.

Australian Voices movement
The Voices for or Voices of groups are a series of loosely related political community engagement groups in Australia.. Some of the groups have endorsed candidates to run as candidates in federal elections.

The Indi Way
The Indi Way tells the story of how concerned residents in the electorate of Indi inspired a movement that is sweeping the country. United by their shared values, they formed Voices for Indi — a grassroots group which set about engaging everyday people. The book is a riveting behind-the-scenes account of how a rural community found its own voice and changed the political landscape.

The Citizens Assembly Ireland
The Citizens’ Assembly is an exercise in deliberative democracy, giving voice to people living in Ireland and placing them at the heart of important legal and policy issues facing Irish society. Over the last decade, citizens’ assemblies have become an important part of the Irish democratic process, playing a meaningful role in informing wider public debate on important issues.

The Citizens Assembly UK Parliament
Governments and parliaments around the world are increasingly using citizens' assemblies in their work. The assemblies enable decision-makers to understand people's informed and considered preferences on issues that are complex, controversial, moral or constitutional. The UK Parliament commissioned its first citizens' assembly, the Citizens' Assembly on Social Care, in 2018.

Open Democracy
Democracy is an independent international media platform. We produce high-quality journalism which challenges power, inspires change and builds leadership among groups underrepresented in the media. Headquartered in London, we have team members across four continents.

The Commons Library
The Commons Library includes 1000+ educational resources in a range of formats. Topics include campaign strategy, community organising, working effectively in groups, justice and diversity, creative activism, and much more.

For young people

AEC Democracy Rules
An enquiry-based electoral education resource including a detailed teaching guide, online interactives and printable activities for students.

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  • Joanna Parish
    followed this page 2024-04-15 08:24:46 +0930
  • Louise Harrison
    published this page 2024-03-08 15:55:31 +0930