What is the Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC) ?

What is the Kitchen Table Conversation (KTC) ?


  • Kitchen Table Conversations (KTCs) are discussions between (usually) 4-8 people, hosted at someone’s home or sometimes in a comfortable public place.
  • Voices of the Top End held [43number] KTC’s from September 2023 to February 2024, all  independently facilitated and scribed.
  • KTC’s follow a set of agreed principles for respectful listening and create a safe space for an honest exchange of ideas. 
  • Although participants discuss the issues that are of the greatest concern to them, they then have the opportunity to suggest ideas about what could be done about them. Mmost people leave a 90 minute KTC feeling uplifted after sharing openly with others, motivated by our love for this place and community.

Kitchen Table Conversations (KTCs) are a way of finding out what a community wants from its elected representatives. The Victorian Women’s Trust has written a guide about how they used KTCs with great success. https://www.vwt.org.au/projects/kitchen-table-conversations/

Small groups of neighbours, workmates, family or friends meet around a table to answer eight questions. The answers are recorded and included in a report for candidates in the upcoming election. VoTE wants to influence the policy positions of our elected members and how they vote, an essential step is to tell them what’s important to the community. KTCs are a great way to gather this information.


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  • Louise Harrison
    published this page in FAQ 2024-04-09 09:26:50 +0930